

  • Key Features:
    • Loyalty system for dedicated customers.
    • Capability to handle many concurrent users.
    • Attractive special offers to drive engagement.
    • Customized Courier expenses Calculator for precise shipping costs.
    • Customized Courier expenses Calculator for precise shipping costs.
    • Seamless integration with a robust ERP system.
  • Objective:
    • Increase online sales and generate higher revenue.
    • Expand market reach to tap into new customer segments.
    • Enhance customer loyalty and repeat purchases.
    • Position as a leading online pharmacy platform in the region.
  • Challenges Overcome:
    • Managing and optimizing for huge traffic without site downtime.
    • Establishing a stable connection with the ERP system.
    • Enhance customer loyalty and repeat purchases.
    • Creating a complicated courier calculation system for accurate shipping costs.

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Papoutsis Store

  • Key Features:
    • Exclusive special offers to entice buyers.
    • Customized Courier Expenses Calculator for transparent shipping fees.
    • Vast inventory with thousands of diverse products.
  • Objective:
    • Drive online sales and increase average order value.
    • Expand market reach both locally and internationally.
    • Streamline the user experience for faster and easier shopping.
  • Challenges Overcome:
    • Efficiently managing and categorizing a store with an extensive number of items.
    • Ensuring fast site performance despite vast product listings.

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  • Key Features:
    • Attractive special offers to capture buyer attention.
    • Customized Courier Expenses Calculator for user-friendly shopping.
    • Custom search engine to quickly locate desired items.
  • Objective:
    • Establish a prominent online presence in the baby product market.
    • Expand market reach to target new parent segments.
    • Offer an efficient shopping experience tailored to busy parents.
  • Challenges Overcome:
    • Ensuring accurate search results when a product can belong to multiple categories or subcategories.
    • Refining the search algorithm for relevance and precision.
    • Enhance customer loyalty and repeat purchases.

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Studio Kitrinakis

  • Key Features:
    • Restricted access shop, exclusive to Studio’s clientele.
    • Admin capabilities for event and album directory creation.
    • Extensive photo library showcasing diverse events.
    • Automated watermark addition to protect image rights.
  • Objective:
    • Provide a platform where clients can seamlessly view and purchase photos from various events.
    • Enhance client interaction and provide a customized viewing experience.
    • Streamline the process for the photographer to upload and categorize albums.
  • Challenges Overcome:
    • Developing a database structure robust enough to handle over 50,000 photos without latency issues.
    • Implementing a system to grant access on-demand, ensuring exclusivity and privacy.

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Key features:

  • Portal to Prosperity Interface: An intricate yet accessible design, making it a premier destination for information on NSRF, Investment law, and various funding programs in Greece
  • Economic Enthusiast’s Companion: Optimized for mobile devices, ensuring stakeholders and interested parties can stay updated on-the-go
  • Dual Dialogue: Seamlessly translated in both Greek and English, catering to a diverse audience
  • Investment Insight Tool: A custom plugin designed to streamline the addition of new funding program details, maintaining uniformity
  • Economic Epicenter: SEO-optimized to stand out as Greece’s primary hub for funding program data


  • Funding Front-runner: Aim to be the largest reservoir of information on investment programs
  • Stakeholder’s Sidekick: Facilitate prompt communication, fostering user subscriptions and interactions
  • Pillar of Trust: Establish Espa.io as the most reliable source for funding program details in Greece

Challenges Overcome:

  • Dynamic Database: Ensuring the portal’s capability to handle an ever-growing plethora of information without hitches
  • Peak Performance: Balancing between vast content and optimal website speed
  • Order in Opulence: Systematically organizing a wealth of content for intuitive user navigation
  • Holistic Harmonization: Efficiently integrating with vital systems like CRM and MailChimp to provide a cohesive user experience

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Rockstar Yachting

Key features:

  • Edgy Aesthetics: A unique “rock and roll” inspired design
  • Universal Access: Responsive to all devices


  • Floating Fame: Boost the boat’s brand

Challenges Overcome:

  • Performance on Waves: Fast digital surfing experience
  • Retro Rock Design: Maintaining the rock essence throughout

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Key Features:

  • Creative Design: Fun and vibrant design reflecting the brand’s playful nature.
  • Product Listings: Comprehensive product listings with high-quality images and descriptions.
  • User-Friendly Navigation: Intuitive navigation for easy browsing of products and services.


  • Showcase Brand Personality: To reflect the playful and creative nature of the brand through design and content
  • Expand Online Presence: To reach a wider audience through social media and a strong online presence

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Greek Scientists Association

Recognizing the vast amount of historical data housed within the website, a user-friendly and well-structured main menu is paramount. The menu has been meticulously designed to provide intuitive navigation, allowing users to effortlessly delve into the treasure trove of knowledge at their fingertips. Hundreds of files are meticulously categorized and organized, making it easy for researchers, students, and history enthusiasts to find the specific information they seek.

Key features:

  • Retro design with feminine touches: Creates a welcoming and engaging atmosphere
  • Intuitive main menu: Facilitates easy navigation through hundreds of historical data files
  • Downloadable resources: Enables users to access and save valuable research materials
  • Search functionality: If implemented, allows for even faster access to specific information

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Bluedrive isn’t just a website, it’s a portal to an exhilarating adventure. Designed to capture the essence of the Axopar 37 Cross Cabin boat, this website seamlessly blends stunning visuals with concise information, propelling you onto the open water from the moment you land on the homepage.

Forget bulky, text-heavy websites. Bluedrive focuses on high-quality imagery and captivating videos. Imagine yourself cruising along the coastline, the spray misting your face as the sun glistens on the water. Breathtaking panoramic shots and dynamic action videos showcase the Axopar 37’s sleek design, impressive performance, and luxurious comfort. The website’s design reflects the boat’s character – bold, exhilarating, and undeniably luxurious.

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Capoeira Angola Bern

The website pulsates with the energy of Capoeira. Dynamic visuals showcase the art form’s essence – the fluidity of movement, the power of kicks and strikes, and the harmonious blend of dance and martial arts.

While the visuals captivate, Capoeira Bern goes beyond aesthetics. A dedicated section highlights the school’s events and projects, fostering a sense of community and showcasing the vibrant Capoeira scene in Bern. Visitors can discover upcoming workshops, demonstrations, and cultural events, keeping them engaged and connected.
The design elements, from the fonts to the overall layout, might subtly reference Capoeira’s Brazilian roots. The website could incorporate traditional Capoeira iconography or patterns, creating a sense of authenticity and respect for the art form’s heritage.

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Enviro Era

Key Features:

  • Modern Design: Sleek and professional design reflecting the company’s focus on environmental solutions
  • Service Overview: Detailed descriptions of environmental services offered
  • Contact Information: Easy access to contact details and inquiry forms
  • Certifications and Partnerships: Display of relevant certifications and partnerships to build credibility


  • Promote Environmental Solutions: To showcase the company’s expertise in providing sustainable environmental solutions
  • Educate Audience: To inform visitors about environmental issues and solutions through blogs and resources
  • Generate Leads: To attract potential clients and partners through detailed service information and case studies
  • Build Credibility: To establish trust by displaying certifications and successful project outcomes

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Seven Seas

Key features: 

  • Elegant Design: Modern, clean, and visually appealing design that highlights the luxury travel experience
  • Responsive Layout: Fully responsive design ensuring optimal viewing experience on all devices
  • Contact Information: Easy access to contact details for inquiries and bookings


  • Promote Luxury Travel: To attract high-end travelers looking for exclusive and luxurious travel experiences
  • Low Cost: Keep the cost to minimum
  • WCAG 2.0 Compliance: Constructed following WCAG 2.0 guidelines to ensure accessibility for all users

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Karagiannis Psychotherapy

Key features:

  • Professional Design: Clean and professional layout that instills trust and confidence in visitors
  • Service Details: Comprehensive information about psychotherapy services offered
  • Resource Library: Access to articles, blogs, and resources related to mental health and psychotherapy
  • Contact Information: Clear contact details and a contact form for easy communication


  • Provide Support: To offer accessible mental health support and resources to individuals seeking psychotherapy
  • Increase Client Engagement: To make it easy for potential clients to learn about services and book appointments
  • Educate Visitors: To provide valuable information about mental health and the benefits of psychotherapy
  • Build Trust: To create a trustworthy and reliable online presence that encourages visitors to seek help

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Domo Architects

Key features:

  • Blueprint of Beauty Interface: An elegant and modern design that truly reflects the mastery of Domo’s architectural prowess
  • Building Bridges: Responsive design, ensuring Domo’s architectural marvels are showcased perfectly across all devices
  • Pillars of Prestige: An expansive portfolio that stands as a testament to Domo’s architectural acumen


  • Architectural Alpha: Aiming to cement Domo Architects as the paragon in the world of architectural design

Challenges Overcome:

  • Form & Function Fusion: Meeting the high standards of aesthetic appeal demanded by the world of architecture, while ensuring usability remains top-notch

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Gagosis Bakery

Key features:

  • Visually Appealing Design: Attractive and inviting design showcasing baked goods
  • Product Showcase: High-quality images and descriptions of bakery products
  • Online Ordering: Integrated online ordering system for ease of purchase
  • Location Information: Detailed information about bakery locations and opening hours
  • Special Offers: Section highlighting special offers and seasonal products
  • Customer Reviews: Display of customer reviews and feedback


  • Increase Sales: To drive online and in-store sales through an appealing and functional website
  • Showcase Products: To highlight the quality and variety of bakery products available
  • Enhance Convenience: To provide a convenient online ordering experience for customers
  • Build Brand Loyalty: To engage customers with special offers and customer feedback, fostering loyalty

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Summerize Marketplace

Summerize Marketplace revolutionizes the way travelers and locals alike experience Greece’s hospitality industry. Whether you’re looking to dine in the finest restaurants or secure the perfect sunbed spot by the beach, this app ensures a seamless and interactive booking experience. With an integrated map feature, users can explore various categories from restaurants to water sports. What sets it apart? The intuitive layout map allowing users to literally pick their spot – be it a table at a restaurant or a sunbed on the beach.


Restaurant – PMS

Meet PMS Restaurants, the ultimate tool crafted exclusively for restaurant owners. Dive into a world where managing reservations, gauging customer habits, and efficiently orchestrating your space becomes a breeze. Say goodbye to manual logs and embrace the future of restaurant management.


Sunbed – PMS

Introducing Summerize Sunbeds, the definitive application designed specifically for property owners with beachfronts or swimming pools. It revolutionizes the way owners manage their reservations, offering insights into customer habits, and streamlining the overall management process. From customizing beach layouts to analyzing user statistics, it provides a comprehensive solution for beach and pool property management.


NFT Marketplace

Dive into the future of reservations and entertainment entries with our NFT Marketplace, a digital hub tailored for trading NFTs symbolizing exclusive access to premier dining and nightlife experiences. Shaping the convergence of hospitality and blockchain technology, this platform revolutionizes the way we think of reservations and event entries.
